مطلوب موظف بتخصص ادارة - كيمياء - احياء - علم نفس للعمل لدى منظمة ميرسي كور الدولية

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

تعلن منظمة ميرسي كور الدوية عن حاجتها الى :

Training Project Officer

NubaderSupporting Resilient Youth and Communities in Jordan (CSSF)
Mercy Corps’ proposed ‘Nubader: Supporting Resilient Youth and Communities in Jordan Project supports youth, ages 12-25 who have been diverted from the Juvenile Justice System and at-risk youth from the community, by adopting a positive youth development approach to psychosocial support. This entails promoting learning, increased stability and security, coexistence and psychosocial resiliency, building social understanding, and re-establishing goal planning for the future. The program operates on the premise that social and emotional learning is instrumental in this window of adolescent development to acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions. By operating on increasing the protective factors while decreasing the risk factors the project aims to maintain the overarching goal of mitigating key drivers of social instability and violent conflict, and engaging at-risk youth in activities that strengthen their sense of identity, belonging and connectedness to their families and communities. The expansion of the project’s activities will place additional focus on strengthening institutional capacities to sustain long-term impact. Mercy Corps partners with local CBOs and governmental institutions to build Community Action Hubs that provide young people with a safe space to improve social stability and ultimately make youth and their communities more resilient.
The Senior Training Officer will provide support to the implementation of ‘Nubader: Supporting Resilient Youth and Communities in Jordan Project. The Senior Training Officer will support the development of training and community activities, through guiding the curriculum design and development of training tools as well as delivery of the courses and capacity building process using internal and external resources that includes but not limited to facilitating the exchange of expertise with local CBO partners including community coaches as well as local\governmental actors. S/he will assist the Deputy Project Manager in monitoring and evaluating activities, providing follow up, and preparing continuous updates. He\She will report directly to the Deputy Project Manager.
Essential Duties and Responsibilities:
  1. Provide technical support throughout the project’s cycle (situation analysis, planning, implementation and evaluation) with special focus on the development and implementation of the project’s capacity building activities in close coordination with different projects’ functions.
  2. Contribute to the writing and submission of regular reports (monthly and quarterly) to Management, HQ and Donors.
  3. Lead the capacity building of Nubader training and youth session plans, and provides day to day coaching and mentoring to the community coaches and youth participants. 
  4. Provide capacity building and knowledge sharing to the Nubader team members in MC and partner CBO personnel to ensure the delivery of youth activities in communities/CBOs that adhere to project overall goals.
  5. Support other Nubader functions in the delivery of the training plans provided to community coaches and other local \governmental actors who are directly working or contributing to the projects’ objectives.
  6. Contribute to the project’s assessment milestone through the designing and implementation process.
  7. Promote a community-based projects/ initiatives and activities specific to the needs of adolescents, and the community at large such as group and community-oriented awareness campaigns, initiatives, and national policies working on the youth sectors in Jordan. 
  8. Conduct regular monthly and quarterly meetings with all staff to go through MHPSS and Protection activities’ progress, identify key challenges, and address other issues.
  9. Perform other duties as assigned in the implementation of program activities.
  10. Supervise the community coaches’ performance through structured one on one meetings in coordination with MC Nubader team and CBO project coordinator.
Training and content design\development:
  1. Contribute and provide technical input during the design of the projects’ activities in close coordination with all Nubader project’s functions.
  2. Develop the capacity building plan of the project and implement refresher workshops and learning circles to support community coaches in partners CBO’s, as well as develop and adapt strategies to help them address challenges and behaviors that are faced during the implementation.
  3. Prepare and design the foundation training of the project and conduct direct facilitation for all Nubader projects’ partners.
  4. Ensure quality of participant programming and trainings delivery through overseeing content development, delivery and scheduling and provide necessary support.
  5. Support quality assurance through review results of training programs evaluations, attendance and training data, and recommend necessary actions to maintain quality of the project’s activities in close coordination with all Nubader projects’ functions.
SUPERVISORY RESPONSIBILITY: CBO Partners community coaches.
REPORTS DIRECTLY TO: Programme Manager
WORKS DIRECTLY WITH: Project Field officers, Civic Engagement Team Leader, MHPSS and Protection Senior Coordinator, M&E Coordinator
Organizational Learning
As part of our commitment to organizational learning and in support of our understanding that learning organizations are more effective, efficient and relevant to the communities they serve - we expect all team members to commit 5% of their time to learning activities that benefit Mercy Corps as well as themselves.
Accountability to Beneficiaries
Mercy Corps team members are expected to support all efforts towards accountability, specifically to our beneficiaries and to international standards guiding international relief and development work, while actively engaging beneficiary communities as equal partners in the design, monitoring and evaluation of our field projects.
  • University degree in Management, Education, Psychology, Social Work, chemistry or biology or other related field 
  • At least 4 years of related experience performing required tasks, preferably in complex emergency or relief context
  • Experience in project implementation and support of emergency, youth, education programs
  • Ability to work independently and as a part of a team
  • Fluent in both Arabic and good command in  English
  • Strong verbal and written communications skills
  • Strong proficiency in Microsoft Office applications including Excel and Word
  • Valid driver’s license and willingness to travel to Amman/northern Jordan
  • Deep commitment to humanitarian principles and values 
  • Willingness to learn new skills and methodologies
  • Ability to work under pressure, independently and with limited supervision
  • Demonstrated organizational skills
  • Demonstrated creative problem-solving skills
  • Highly developed interpersonal communication skills
  • Demonstrated decision-making and leadership skills and excellent time management capacities
  • Security, political and cultural aware