وظائف شاغرة لدى الوكالة الأمريكية للتنمية الدولية Takamol

الأربعاء، 25 مارس 2020

يعلن International Research and Exchanges Board في الاردن عن حاجته الى :

Call for Trainers Specialized Sessions on Gender-Related Topics 

  1. Context of the Assignment
USAID Takamol is seeking expert trainers on gender to deliver specialized sessions as part of a long-term training of trainers (ToT) program for public sector employees in Jordan. The Gender ToT aims to qualify gender trainers and practitioners within the public sector by engaging them in a six-month capacity building and mentoring program. This initiative will provide 100+ hours of capacity-building for participants on a variety of gender-related topics relevant to their public sector institutions. Each participant is expected to develop a training material or a policy paper on a gender related topic as a result of this capacity-building program. 
As part of the TOT Program, USAID Takamol will offer specialized sessions/training sessions on the following topics: 
  • Strengthening data for decision making 
  • Gender sensitive media and communications 
  • Gender sensitive/ responsive advocacy campaigns. 
To that extent, USAID Takamol is seeking the expertise of multiple consultants who have extended experience relevant to the fields of training above to prepare and deliver training sessions. All training material and session delivery should be conducted in Arabic; the training report should be drafted in English. 
  1. Scope of Work 
The Consultant is expected to perform the following tasks: 
  • Prepare the training material including exercises, study cases and interactive tools on the topics listed above. 
  • In coordination with USAID Takamol, develop needs and post training assessment tools. The training content should be informed by a needs assessment and/or discussions with participants. 
  • Deliver the training as per the suggested number of days using a range of approaches including group discussions, presentations, case studies, exercises, among others. 
  • Write a comprehensive training report including descriptions of the session delivery, analysis of participant interactions, recommendations for next steps, and tips for delivering similar sessions in the future. The report should utilize M&E information and capture the outcomes of the training. 
  • Training Learning Objectives and Estimated Level of Effort 
Each training session is planned for 1-2 days, with an additional 2 days for preparation and wrap-up unless otherwise noted. USAID Takamol reserves the right to award follow-on work to the selected consultant(s) for the purposes of delivering additional rounds of the session and/or providing support to trainees after delivering the session, not to exceed a total of 20 days. 
Strengthening Data for Decision-Making
Learning Objectives: 
  • How to assess your data collection systems, and determine if you have the necessary data to your activities and inform decision making 
  • How to create/ reorganize data collection to better inform decision making 
  • How to ensure that data-collected is gender sensitive and can serve gender mainstreaming objectives 
  • Introduction to dimensions of data use (policies, infrastructure, datasets, skills, etc.) 
  • Estimate # of Training Days: 2 days 
  • Estimate Total Level of Effort: 7 days (Approximately 4 days will be needed for the Consultant to become familiar with USAID Takamol’s existing training materials and methodologies) 
Gender-Sensitive Media and Communications
Learning Objectives: 
  • Highlighting forms of gender stereotypes in media. 
  • How to design a gender-sensitive communications strategy 
  • How to develop gender-sensitive media content. 
  • The use of gender sensitive language (in Arabic). 
  • Tactics for gender awareness through media campaigns. 
  • Mainstreaming gender equality considerations into media policies and practices. 
  • Estimate # of Training Days: 1 days 
  • Estimate Total Level of Effort: 3 days 
Gender-Sensitive/ Responsive Advocacy Campaigns
Learning Objectives: 
  • Steps for designing gender responsive advocacy campaign, from problem analysis to evaluation 
  • How to mobilize supporters (advocates) for gender equality 
  • Understand a set of tools and tactics that can be used for gender advocacy 
  • Showcase examples for successful gender advocacy campaigns from Jordan and other countries 
  • Estimate # of Training Days: 1 days 
  • Estimate Total Level of Effort: 3 days 
  • Deliverables 
Each trainer will be expected to submit the following deliverables: 
  • The draft training materials and handouts- to be submitted at least two weeks before the training. 
  • Recommended needs assessment and post-training assessment questions. 
  • Final training materials and handouts. 
  • Comprehensive training report. 
  • Timeframe 
The expected timeframe for conducting the trainings are April - May 2020, subject to adjustment. The final dates will be confirmed with the consultant upon selection. 
  1. Consultant Expertise 
USAID Takamol is seeking the expertise of multiple consultants; consultant should have the following qualifications: 
  • Knowledgeable on the training topic; 
  • Awareness and sensitivity regarding gender issues; 
  • Proven experience in designing, developing and conducting similar training programs; 
  • Excellent communications, training, and facilitation skills; 
  • Excellent command of Arabic and English language, spoken and written; 
  • Available to deliver the session in Jordan without incurring travel costs.
How to Apply
Qualified consultants should apply by submitting an application with the following:
Consultant(s) CV
Daily rate
Outline of the topics to be covered in each session
Interested candidates should submit their application by email to 
info@takamol.org, clearly indicating which topics they are applying to train on.