منح دراسية وبحثية مقدمة من مؤسسة كونراد أديناور في المانيا

الثلاثاء، 24 مارس 2020

International الوسومات (هاشتاغ)scholarship program for studies and research in الوسومات (هاشتاغ)Germany The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung awards scholarships to international students from the الوسومات (هاشتاغ)MiddleEast to study at one of over 400 universities in Germany. The scholarships provide financial assistance, personal guidance, a wide seminar program and access to the worldwide KAS-network. A sufficient knowledge in German (level B2) is obligatory for all scholars before the beginning of their university studies in Germany. In exceptional cases, we financially support German language courses in Germany to achieve B2 level as preparation for your studies in Germany. For more details about eligibility and application please visit the website in the first comment. The Deadline for applications is April 26, 2020 Contact: 