عــــاجل : يعلن مستشفى العبدلي الطبي الجديد عن فرص وظيفية مميزة

الثلاثاء، 17 مارس 2020

Registered Nurses - ICU
Job Responsibilities:

Perform within high standards of nursing care, ensuring that nursing objectives are achieved using a systematic approach to evidence based nursing care & practice.
Be responsive to the patients’ condition and response to treatments and alter plan of care accordingly.
Use clinical judgment to reassess and evaluate critical care patient response to treatment and intervention. Take appropriate action in response to this within treatment guidelines.
Prepare equipment and Assist M.D. with invasive procedures.
May perform specialized nursing procedures related to the unique needs of the critically ill patient population.
Communicate with M.D.’s regarding patient response to treatments and care.
Promote an environment that enables patient safety, independence, quality of life and dignity for critically ill patient.
Promote and foster health promotion teachings as guided by AM principles to optimize health for critical care patients and their families
Maintain accurate patient records according to AM policies and guidelines
Practice competently and safely in accordance with the Code of Conduct and AM policies and guidelines.
Prepare and maintain patient records.
Respect &supports patient rights.
Maintain critically ill patient privacy
Apply peripheral line for the patients
To have the skills to take care of peripheral & central I.V lines
Draw all kinds of blood samples.
To have the skills to give and document all types of medications and observe for reactions side effects.
Plan for, coordinate and expedite interventions in emergency situations.
Provide support for junior colleagues, student nurses, and allied health care professionals in the critical care units.
Assist in ensuring all necessary equipment and consumables for the critical unit are available and functioning.
Prepare &present shift report with all needed information.
Follow up nurse patient rounds.


B Sc. in Nursing
Nursing License
Computer Literate
Valid BLS

Post registration specialty qualification/experience
Master degree in critical care
Evidence of continuous education and professional development document.
Work Experience:


More than 3 years
Demonstrated competency in English language proficiency, critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
Having ACLS within a defined period of time  

Minimum of 4 years
Post registration specialty experience
Accredited CNEs in critical care training

Accountable to head nurse or nurse In-charge to delegate and control the work situation inside the critical care units and/or among the hospital for critically ill patient and direct junior staff and Practical nurse in providing nursing care.

We are recruiting exceptionally experienced, skilled, and passionate medical, clinical, managerial and administrative professionals, in order to fulfill our vision of becoming the region’s premier facility for medical care, treatment, and advancement.

لتقديم طلب توظيف هنا

مركز العبدلي الطبي، مستشفى متعدد التخصصات تبلغ سعته 200 سرير طبي، مهمته توفير أعلى معايير الرعاية الصحية الى جانب تعزيز الجهود المتعلقة بالأبحاث والتثقيف الصحي. تأسس مركز العبدلي الطبي من قبل مجموعة من المستثمرين الذين قاموا بإنشاء مركز كليمنصو الطبي- بيروت  (CMC)سابقا، بالتعاون مع مستشفى جون هوبكينز الطبي الدولي. يضم مركز العبدلي الطبي مجموعة من أمهر الأطباء المعروفين على مستوى اقليمي وعالمي.