تعلن المدرسة الأهلية للبنات ومدرسة المطران للبنين وروضتهما عن حاجتها معلمين ومعلمات

الثلاثاء، 17 مارس 2020

Art teacher

Job Description and Requirements

Job background:

The purpose of this job is to hire an Art teacher .

Roles and Responsibilities:

The main role of the Art Teacher is based on implementing and teaching students according to the International Baccalaureate curriculum. The following bullets briefly explain main duties and responsibilities of the job that is not limited to:

Create appropriate learning engagements and creating challenging and engaging learning opportunities for all students.
Motivate students to perform at their best through differentiated instructions and using varieties of styles.
Collaborating with other teachers to contribute students’ success.
Contribute to the enrichment of learning engagements.
Monitor students’ performance to enhance their understanding and master skills.
Communicate regularly and constructively with students and parents.
Use teaching methods engaging students, stimulating intellectual curiosity including the use of effective questioning, presentation and resources.
Set high expectations for student’s behavior, establishing and maintaining a good standard of behavior management through well focused teaching and through positive and productive relationships.
Any other duties as assigned.
Job Qualifications:

University degree in Fine Arts or equivalent.
0-4 years of experience in teaching.
Solid working knowledge of the concepts, activities & techniques related to teaching art at the required level.
PYP, MYP experience is a plus.
Strong foundation in classroom management.
Key competencies:

Having good collaborative skills.
Strong service orientation, flexibility and understanding of different school stakeholders’ needs is essential.
Presentation skills and ability to speak in public in confidence.
Excellent planning, coordinating, organizing and analyzing abilities are essential.
Excellent interpersonal skills and the ability to establish and maintain effective working relations with teachers at all levels in a multicultural environment.

للتقديم من هنا

معلم اللغة العربية للمرحلة المتوسطة
الوصف ومتطلبات الوظيفة
الوصف الوظيفي

معلم اللغة العربية للمرحلة المتوسطة

المهام والواجبات

المهام الرئيسية لمعلم اللغة العربية للمرحلة المتوسطة تتمثل في قدرته على توطيد علاقة الطلبة بلغتهم الأم، وتمكينهم من توظيفها باقتدار في تواصلهم الشفويّ والكتابيّ وإدراك دورهم في الحفاظ على إرثهم الثقافيّ.

الخبرات العلمية

شهادة بكالوريوس في اللغة العربية وآدابها كحد أدنى.
خبرة في تدريس اللغة العربية.
خبرة في تعليم برنامج السنوات المتوسطة/ متطلب غير إلزاميّ.


استخدام الحاسوب بكفاءة.
قيادة الأنشطة الثقافية.
التدقيق اللغوي.
العمل بروح الفريق.

للتقديم من هنا

Science Teacher - MYP

الوصف ومتطلبات الوظيفة
Science Teacher/ MYP

Job background:

The purpose of this job is to hire a Science Teacher for the Middle School Program.  

Roles and Responsibilities:

The following bullets briefly explain main duties and responsibilities of the job that is not limited to:

Work with the teachers and the department coordinator foe class, worksheets, books preparations.
Manage your time arrangements to attend all classes and preparations for each class ahead of time.
Establish and maintain positive relationships with student and teachers.
Driven by a core purpose focused on preparing students to be successful for life.
Utilizes 21st century learning and teaching practices.
Develops distinguished students by providing students with ample practice time and focused formative feedback.
Perform any other task as assigned.
Key competencies:

Successful candidate must be a motivated individual with a keen interest in encouraging and inspiring students to love learning and excel in the subject.
Passionate professional with excellent communication skills.
Excellent leadership skills with a gift to motivate and inspire students.
Able to communicate verbal and written in English.
Builds trust and promotes positive relationships with students, parents, and colleagues'.
Pursues innovation and excellence in teaching, acts as a role model and leads by example. Believe in empowering the youth by education. 
Job Qualifications:

Bachelor degree holder in science, engineering or pharmacy, or any related specialization. 
Presentation skills and ability to speak in public in confidence.
Excellent communication skills in English is essential.
Able to prepare reports and deliver oral presentations.
Excellent planning, coordinating, organizing and analyzing abilities are essential.
Excellent interpersonal skills and the ability to establish and maintain effective working relations with teachers at all levels in a multicultural environment.

للتقديم من هنا

Biology Teacher - MYP

الوصف ومتطلبات الوظيفة
Job Description

Biology Teacher/ MYP

Job background:

The purpose of this job is to hire a Biology Teacher for the Middle School Program.   

Roles and Responsibilities:

The main role of the Biology Teacher is to implement and teach the Biology International Baccalaureate curriculum for grades 9 and 10. The following bullets briefly explain main duties and responsibilities of the job that is not limited to:

Maintain and deliver the Biology curriculum as well as the curriculum for any other science courses assigned.
Applies a hands on practical component which is incorporated into well thought out course planning documentation.
Create appropriate learning experience (field work, outdoor activities) and creating challenging and engaging learning opportunities for all students.
Motivate students to perform at their best through differentiated instructions and using varieties of styles.
Contribute to the enrichment activities.
Monitor students’ performance to enhance their understanding and master skills.
Monitor students’ progress through effective assessment.
Perform any other task as assigned.
Key competencies:

Passionate professional with excellent communication skills.
Excellent leadership skills with a gift to motivate and inspire students.
Able to communicate verbal and written in English.
Builds trust and promotes positive relationships with students, parents, and colleagues'.
Pursues innovation and excellence in teaching, acts as a role model and leads by example. Believe in empowering the youth by education. 
Able to prepare reports and deliver oral presentations.
Excellent planning, coordinating, organizing and analyzing abilities are essential.
Excellent interpersonal skills and the ability to establish and maintain effective working relations with teachers at all levels in a multicultural environment.
Motivated individual with a keen interest in encouraging and inspiring students to love learning and excel in the subject.
Job Qualifications:

A bachelor’s oPhysics Teacher - MYP

الوصف ومتطلبات الوظيفة
Job Description

Physics Teacher/ MYP

Job background:

The purpose of this job is to hire a Physics Teacher for the Middle School Program.  

Roles and Responsibilities:

The main role of the Physics teacher is based on implementing and teaching MYP students according to the International Baccalaureate curriculum. The following bullets briefly explain main duties and responsibilities of the job that is not limited to:

Create appropriate learning engagements and creating challenging and engaging learning opportunities for all students.
Motivate students to perform at their best through differentiated instructions and using varieties of styles.
Collaborating with other teachers to contribute students’ success.
Contribute to the enrichment of learning engagements.
Monitor students’ performance to enhance their understanding and master skills.
Monitor students’ progress through effective assessment.
Communicate regularly and constructively with students and parents.
Use teaching methods engaging students, stimulating intellectual curiosity including the use of effective questioning, presentation and resources.
Set high expectations for student’s behavior, establishing and maintaining a good standard of behavior management through well focused teaching and through positive and productive relationships.
Any other duties as assigned.
Key competencies:

Passionate professional with excellent communication skills.
Excellent leadership skills with a gift to motivate and inspire students.
Able to communicate verbal and written in English.
Builds trust and promotes positive relationships with students, parents, and colleagues'.
Pursues innovation and excellence in teaching, acts as a role model and leads by example. Believe in empowering the youth by education. 
Job Qualifications:

Bachelor degree holder in physics or engineering. 
Presentation skills and ability to speak in public in confidence.
Excellent communication skills in English is essential.
Able to prepare reports and deliver oral presentations.
Excellent planning, coordinating, organizing and analyzing abilities are essential.
Excellent interpersonal skills and the ability to establish and maintain effective working relations with teachers at all levels in a multicultural environment.
r Master’s degree in Biology or any science related degrees.
Preferred previous teaching with MYP and or IB courses.
Fluency and accuracy in written and spoken English.
Computer skills at a level that permits creative use of technology in the classroom.
General knowledge of Biology, Chemistry and Physics and or experience of teaching sciences.

The Biology teacher will report technically to the Science Department Coordinator and managerially to the Head of Section.

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