وظائف شاغرة لدى مجلس اللاجئين الدانمركي

Friday, August 17, 2018

التبليغ عن أحدث الشواغر الوظيفية 

وفرص العمل المتاحة في الاردن والخليج واحة الوظائف في الاردن

 واحة الوظائف في قطر واحة الوظائف فيسبوك واحة الوظائف اليوم،واحة الوظائف الزرقاء،واحة الوظائف اربد،

واحة الوظائف الاونروا،واحة الوظائف شركة مياهنا،توظيف وظائف شاغرة وظيفة,سيرة ذاتية,موقع توظيف،وظائف هندسة وظائف تسويق

 وظائف معلمين وظيفة شاغرة وظائف موقع اخطبوط وظائف موقع بيت وظائف خالية وظائف في الاردن وظائف الاردن وظائف الخليج

 وظائف وظائف شاغرة السوق المفتوح،وظائف شركات, فرص عمل فرص توظيف وظائف يوميا

تعلن  Danish Refugee Council في عمان / الاردن عن حاجتها الى :

Consultant - Protection and Durable Solutions for Civil Society  

Who are we?
The Danish Refugee Council assists refugees and internally displaced persons across the globe: we provide emergency aid, fight for their rights, and strengthen their opportunity for a brighter future. We work in conflict-affected areas, along the displacement routes, and in the countries where refugees settle. In cooperation with local communities, we strive for responsible and sustainable solutions. We work toward successful integration and – whenever possible – for the fulfillment of the wish to return home. 
The Danish Refugee Council was founded in Denmark in 1956, and has since grown to become an international humanitarian organization with more than 7,000 staff and 8,000 volunteers. Our vision is a dignified life for all displaced.
All of our efforts are based on our value compass: humanity, respect, independence and neutrality, participation, and honesty and transparency.
DRC has been operating in the Middle East (ME) region for over a decade, running a combination of emergency, livelihood, protection and advocacy programmes through Country Offices (COs) in Syria, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey, and Yemen which recently joined the ME Region with a Regional Office (RO) in Amman. DRC has 17 offices and approximately one thousand staff members across the ME region.
Background: The Durable Solutions Platform for Syrian displaced
The Durable Solutions Platform is a research consortium governed by DRC, IRC, and NRC. It generates knowledge on durable solutions to the protracted displacement stemming from the Syrian crisis. Through the “Durable Solutions Forum”, it also creates a space to involve the Syrian civil society into the discussion on solutions and the long term future of Syrian refugees and internally displaced people. 
About the job
Consultancy for the development of a Protection Workshop
The Durable Solutions Platform works with a network of Syrian civil society organizations to engage in roundtable discussions around future durable solutions. We aim to increase understanding among Syrian CSO’s about protection needs among refugees and the internally displaced (IDP’s). The platform seeks a consultant to deliver a workshop for civil society organisations with the following learning objectives:
1) To develop the participants’ capacity and understanding of protection needs for refugees and IDP’s in relation to durable solutions. 
The consultant will develop materials on protection needs and tools that are suitable for the civil society context of Syrian organisations. The consultant will further deliver a two-day learning event (in Arabic) on protection needs in relation to durable solutions.
Outputs of the consultancy
Estimated time needed
  1. Consultations with the Durable Solutions platform staff
Outline of the proposed package
2 Days
Workshopg development
  1. Developing the workshop package
Finalized material package in Arabic & English
6 Days
Delivering strategy workshop
  1. Facilitating first one day workshop in Amman
Workshop plan 
2 Day
  1. Facilitating second one day workshop in Amman
Workshop plan
2 Day
  1. Evaluation and recommendations report
Short evaluation report with recommendations for follow-up
5 Days
NB: logistical support will be available to the consultant for the organization of the event: booking of the venue, etc. 
Work plan and expected time frame
Time frame for deliverables (tentative)
Contract granted: 6 September 
Inception meeting / briefing: 7 September 
Deliver outline of package: 9 September 
Deliver finalized package: 13 September
Day 1 Workshop Delivered: 19 September 
Day 2 Workshop Delivered: 20 September 
Debriefing: 29 September 
NOTE: The above mentioned dates are tentative and will be finalized with the consultant during the inception phase.
Supervision and reporting
Supervision of the consultancy will be with the Civil Society Specialist and with close involvement of the lead of the Durable Solutions Platform. 
The consultant must ensure that the developed package fits within the broader thematic focus of the Durable Solutions Platform. Specifically, the trainings must fit within the civil society engagement strategy. The consultant is expected to liaise regularly with members of the team and this should be reflected in the proposal.
Profile of the consultant
The consultant must have demonstrated expertise in the protection of the rights of refugees and internally displaced. Knowledge and understanding of humanitarian work is highly desired. Practical experience with assisting returnees is highly desirable. Furthermore, the consultant must have experience delivering workshops in Arabic to civil society organizations in the region and be familiar with their needs. 
Call for proposals opens 15 August
Call for proposals closes 27 August
Contracts granted 6 September
Documents to be submitted:
  • CV of consultant.
  • Short work plan (1-2 page)
  • Budget that includes all fees and expenses 
  • Sample of comparable work
In this position, you are expected to demonstrate DRC’ five core competencies:
· Striving for excellence: You focus on reaching results while ensuring an efficient process. 
· Collaborating: You involve relevant parties and encourage feedback. 
· Taking the lead: You take ownership and initiative while aiming for innovation. 
· Communicating: You listen and speak effectively and honestly. 
· Demonstrating integrity: You act in line with our vision and values.
We offer
Contract length: 17 days
Accommodation: Non Accommodated Position 
Start date: 6th of Sep, 2018.
Applications close 27 August 2018.
If you have questions or are facing problems with the online application process, please visit drc.ngo/jobsupport.
For further information about the Danish Refugee Council, please consult our website www.drc.org

If you have questions or are facing problems with the online application process, please contact 