وظائف شاغرة في العلوم الاجتماعية - الادارة - ادخال البيانات - العلاقات الدولية - لدى جمعية المتطوعين للخدمة الدولية - AVSI Foundation

Friday, August 17, 2018

التبليغ عن أحدث الشواغر الوظيفية وفرص العمل المتاحة في الاردن والخليج واحة الوظائف في الاردن واحة الوظائف في قطر واحة الوظائف فيسبوك واحة الوظائف اليوم،واحة الوظائف الزرقاء،واحة الوظائف اربد، واحة الوظائف الاونروا،واحة الوظائف شركة مياهنا،توظيف وظائف شاغرة وظيفة,سيرة ذاتية,موقع توظيف،وظائف هندسة وظائف تسويق وظائف معلمين وظيفة شاغرة وظائف موقع اخطبوط وظائف موقع بيت وظائف خالية وظائف في الاردن وظائف الاردن وظائف الخليج وظائف وظائف شاغرة السوق المفتوح،وظائف شركات, فرص عمل فرص توظيف وظائف يوميا

تعلن Associazione Volontari per il Servizio Internazionale في محافظات الجنوب وعمان / الاردن عن حاجتها الى :

1- Field Officer

AVSI Foundation, an NGO created in 1972, carries out cooperation projects for development, with particular emphasis on education. In its work, its attention is focused on the defense and promotion of the dignity of the person, the cornerstone of every project. We work all around the world thanks to a network of 35 founding members and more than 700 partners worldwide.
AVSI Foundation has been operating in Jordan since 2006 and contributed in supporting the most vulnerable local communities, Palestinian, Iraqi and Syrian refugees through providing projects and activities that focus on health and psycho-social assistance, education, vocational training and job placement and income-generating activities.
AVSI Foundation is currently implementing a Livelihood project in the districts of Quweira, Aqaba, and Shobak under the Syrian response. The project, funded by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS), focuses on supporting and developing employment opportunities for vulnerable Jordanians and Syrians through training, cash for work activities and the creation of social enterprises.
Note: we need a field officer for each region (Aqaba, Quweira, and Shobak).


The Field Officer will be responsible for the coordination at field level of outreach workers, partners, trainers, and stakeholders in order to ensure the correct implementation of activities.


Ensuring the correct implementation of activities at the field level following indications of a project manager/project coordinator.
Supporting the project manager in planning and organizing field activities.
Supporting project management in developing partnerships with local organizations and stakeholders at the field level.
Supporting the project management in coordinating/supervising field staff (site supervisor of Cash for Work –CfW- activities, outreach workers and local partners staff).
In charge of collection and verification of project M&E quantitative and qualitative data on the field, and timely reporting to the management.
Perform any other duties as requested by immediate Supervisor.
Project Coordinator
Degree in Social work, management, international cooperation, or any other related field of specialty.
At least 1 year of working experience in NGOs
Knowledge of community-based interventions.
Excellent oral and written communication skills in the Arabic language.
Good oral and written communication skills in the English language.
Good knowledge of the local context of the south of Jordan.
Strong communication skills and abilities to mobilize stakeholders.
Strong interpersonal, reporting and teamwork skills

2- M&E Officer

AVSI Foundation, an NGO created in 1972, carries out cooperation projects for development, with particular emphasis on education. In its work, its attention is focused on the defense and promotion of the dignity of the person, the cornerstone of every project. We work all around the world thanks to a network of 35 founding members and more than 700 partners worldwide.
AVSI Foundation has been operating in Jordan since 2006 and contributed in supporting the most vulnerable local communities, Palestinian, Iraqi and Syrian refugees through providing projects and activities that focus on health and psycho-social assistance, education, vocational training and job placement and income-generating activities.
AVSI Foundation is currently implementing different projects within the Syrian crisis response in the sectors of protection, education and livelihood in the center (Amman and Zarqa) and in the South of Jordan (Ma’an and Aqaba).
The M&E Officer is responsible for the implementation of M&E related activities within the projects and via partners, plus providing timely and relevant information to project stakeholders. This entails close communication with all involved in M&E design and coordination (Project Managers, Project Coordinators and field staff).
In collaboration with the Project Managers, establish a reliable and consistent set of outcome Indicators for all program activities.
Develop the monitoring and evaluation plans of the projects in line with the project logical framework and in consultation with the project teams.
Develop a system to ensure that the program planning, including inputs and targets, is aligned with the overall program log frames and other types of M&E indicators.
· Implement the performance based monitoring system to ensure that the targets are met.
Provide monitoring and evaluation support to partner organization.
Ensure that the M&E databases are updated routinely and systematically.
Ensure data received is accurate and useable for integration into the database and reporting.
Develop and maintain an effective M&E system for the joint projects.
Develop and disseminate case stories from the field and out of database.
In collaboration with the Project Managers ensure the timely compilation of internal and external progress reports (monthly, quarterly and annually) .
REPORTING TO: Deputy Representative.
Degree in relevant field like Public health, sociology, Demography and statistics or equivalent field experience.
Have at least two years’ work experience in similar position.
Formal training in monitoring and evaluation will be an added advantage
Demonstrable competencies in setting up M&E systems will be an added advantage
Competency in both quantitative and qualitative research methods. Knowledge in the livelihood and education sector.
Good knowledge of the local context of the center and the south of Jordan
Strong communication skills and abilities to mobilize stakeholders.
Skill in organizing work of self and others.
Good communication and inter-personal skills, team player, able to work under minimal supervision.
Good analytical and IT skills
Proficient with Microsoft office package Fluency in English and Arabic. Italian is an asset **

3- Data Entry Assistant

AVSI Foundation, an NGO created in 1972, carries out cooperation projects for development, with particular emphasis on education. In its work, its attention is focused on the defense and promotion of the dignity of the person, the cornerstone of every project. We work all around the world thanks to a network of 35 founding members and more than 700 partners worldwide. **

AVSI Foundation has been operating in Jordan since 2006 and contributed in supporting the most vulnerable local communities, Palestinian, Iraqi and Syrian refugees through providing projects and activities that focus on health and psycho-social assistance, education, vocational training and job placement and income-generating activities.

AVSI Foundation is currently implementing different projects within the Syrian crisis response in the sectors of protection, education, and livelihood in the center (Amman and Zarqa) and in the South of Jordan (Ma’an and Aqaba).


In charge of data collection, data entry, data integrity, data storage in the field office.


Enter data into M&E Data Base or any other software package established.
Thoroughly check the information registered on the documents for clarity and correctness in accordance with established procedures, before data entry is performed.
Perform daily reconciliation exercises of all records and transactions performed within the same day and ensure that data validation, integrity, and accuracy of data are maintained.
Required to organize systematic reconciliation of records to compare theoretical figures against actual physical records on a weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual basis.
Analyze data that is produced from the systems and to report any discrepancies or irregularities to immediate supervisor.
Travel occasionally within the country as required by the Organization.
Perform any other duties as requested by immediate Supervisor.
Reporting to:
country representative

Diploma in Computer Science / Statistics.


Good knowledge of the local context of the south of Jordan.
Strong analytical and organizational skills

Eye for detail and accuracy

Up-to-date knowledge of technology

Skill in organizing work of self and others.

Good communication and interpersonal skills, team player, able to work under minimal supervision.

Good analytical and IT skills

Proficient with Microsoft office package

Fluency in English and Arabic. Italian is an asset

4- Outreach worker

AVSI Foundation, an NGO created in 1972, carries out cooperation projects for development, with particular emphasis on education. In its work, its attention is focused on the defense and promotion of the dignity of the person, the cornerstone of every project. We work all around the world thanks to a network of 35 founding members and more than 700 partners worldwide.

AVSI Foundation has been operating in Jordan since 2006 and contributed in supporting the most vulnerable local communities, Palestinian, Iraqi and Syrian refugees through providing projects and activities that focus on health and psycho-social assistance, education, vocational training and job placement and income-generating activities.

AVSI Foundation is currently implementing a Livelihood project in the districts of Quweira, Aqaba, and Shobak under the Syrian response. The project, funded by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS), focuses on supporting and developing employment opportunities for vulnerable Jordanians and Syrians through training, cash for work activities and the creation of social enterprises.

Note: we need an outreach worker for each region ( Aqaba, Quweira, and shobak).


In charge of the outreach activities in the region.


Develop the Outreach Work Plan (mapping the municipalities, the services, local and international NGOs present in the territory.
Visiting the Municipalities and local stakeholders to promote the project.
Field visits to communities to identify and select beneficiaries interested in training and cash for work activities and the internships.
Carrying out assessments in the area of intervention, through Focus Group discussion, questionnaires, interviews, under the supervision of the field officer.
Carry out the monitoring activities regarding the participation of the beneficiaries in the project activities.
Collect project data, prepare and archive relevant documents, including photos.
Carry out all the tasks requested by the direct supervisor.

Field Officer


Degree in Social work, management, international cooperation, or any other related field of specialty.


At least 1 year of experience in community-based organizations.


Excellent oral and written communication skills in the Arabic language.
-Good oral and written communication skills in the English language is an asset.
-Good knowledge of the local context of the south of Jordan.
-Strong communication skills and abilities to mobilize stakeholders.
-Strong interpersonal, reporting and teamwork skills.

5- Protection Field Coordinator

AVSI Foundation, an NGO created in 1972, carries out cooperation projects for development, with particular emphasis on education. In its work, its attention is focused on the defense and promotion of the dignity of the person, the cornerstone of every project. We work all around the world thanks to a network of 35 founding members and more than 700 partners worldwide.

AVSI Foundation has been operating in Jordan since 2006 and contributed in supporting the most vulnerable local communities, Palestinian, Iraqi and Syrian refugees through providing projects and activities that focus on health and psycho-social assistance, education, vocational training and job placement and income-generating activities.

AVSI Foundation is currently implementing a Social Protection project under the Syrian response programs in the Governorates of Amman and Aqaba in Jordan. The project aims at reducing the sense of insecurity and improves the social inclusion of 675 vulnerable families among the refugee population and host communities in the areas of Amman Est and Aqaba, through activities that strengthen the access to protection services for women at risk/victims of abuse and working/out of school children.


The Protection Field Coordinator will be responsible for coordinating the project implementation in Aqaba area coordination with the Project Manager and the Donor.


Coordinating the implementation of project activities in order to reach project objectives and results in the specific area of responsibility.
Coordinating and supervising project staff in the specific area of responsibility.
Maintaining the relationship with local partners at the field level.
Supporting in the preparation of project work plan for the field of responsibility.
Support the definition and supervise the implementation of the M&E tools at the field level.
Preparation of monthly and final reports, as required by Project Manager.
When delegated by the Project Manager, represent AVSI in the coordination with relevant authorities, donors, NGOs and other stakeholders, at the local and, if needed, at the national level.
Perform any other duties as requested by immediate Supervisor.


Project Manager


Degree in International Cooperation, International Relations, Social Work or any other related field of specialty.


Experience in protection work / social work.
Experience as project manager assistant/ coordinator.
Excellent oral and written communication skills in English language and Arabic language.
Strong teamwork skills.
Strong reporting skills.

Good knowledge of the local context of Aqaba region is an asset.
Strong communication skills and abilities to mobilize stakeholders.
Strong interpersonal skills.

6- Protection Field Coordinator

AVSI Foundation, an NGO created in 1972, carries out cooperation projects for development, with particular emphasis on education. In its work, its attention is focused on the defense and promotion of the dignity of the person, the cornerstone of every project. We work all around the world thanks to a network of 35 founding members and more than 700 partners worldwide.

AVSI Foundation has been operating in Jordan since 2006 and contributed in supporting the most vulnerable local communities, Palestinian, Iraqi and Syrian refugees through providing projects and activities that focus on health and psycho-social assistance, education, vocational training and job placement and income-generating activities.

AVSI Foundation is currently implementing a Social Protection project under the Syrian response programs in the Governorates of Amman and Aqaba in Jordan. The project aims at reducing the sense of insecurity and improve the social inclusion of 675 vulnerable families among the refugee population and host communities in the areas of Amman Est and Aqaba, through activities that strengthen the access to protection services for women at risk/victims of abuse and working/out of school children.


The Protection Field Coordinator will be responsible for coordinating the project implementation in Amman area coordination with the Project Manager and the Donor.


Coordinating the implementation of project activities in order to reach project objectives and results in the specific area of responsibility.
Coordinating and supervising project staff in the specific area of responsibility.
Maintaining the relationship with local partners at the field level.
Supporting in the preparation of project work plan for the field of responsibility.
Support the definition and supervise the implementation of the M&E tools at the field level.
Preparation of monthly and final reports, as required by Project Manager.
When delegated by the Project Manager, represent AVSI in the coordination with relevant authorities, donors, NGOs and other stakeholders, at the local and, if needed, at the national level
Perform any other duties as requested by immediate Supervisor.


Project Manager


Degree in International Cooperation, International Relations, Social Work or any other related field of specialty.


Experience in protection work / social work
Experience as project manager assistant/coordinator
Excellent oral and written communication skills in English language and Arabic language
Strong teamwork skills.
Strong reporting skills.


Good knowledge of the local context of Amman East is an asset.
Strong communication skills and abilities to mobilize stakeholders.
Strong interpersonal skills.

Send your CV and mention the job position and the region in the subject line to amman@avsi.org