شركة خاصة بالتدريب و الاستشارات الصيدلانية مقرها الاردن بحاجة الى مدربين فري لانس للعمل في اكثر من دولة عربية

السبت، 30 يناير 2021


We are a consultancy pharmaceutical company. 

Freelance trainers are needed to provide different training courses in the field of community pharmacies. 

This training is conducted in different arabic countries.

Trainer must be capable to provide interactive training with minimum texted pwerpoint slides. 

At least 80% of the training must depend on exercises such as role plays, case analysis, group discussion, as well as other  exercises using different visual aids.
Topics include different courses in pharmacy management, OTC, and chronic disease management.
Trainers must have BSc in Pharmacy, 5 years work experience and training experience.

If you are interested, please send your CV to 