وظائف شاغرة لدى منظمة الاتحاد اللوثري في الاردن

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

1- Background:
Since 2012, The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) Jordan country program, with funding support from various related agencies and donors, has been responding to the Syrian emergency following the eruption of Syrian conflict 9 years ago, which led to a huge number of displaced populations, including over 650,000 refugees into Jordan. LWF has continued playing an active role in the coordination of emergency response including UNHCR led sector working groups. In addition, LWF is also an active member of ACT alliance at country and regional level. The LWF Jordan program activities focuses on the sectors of protection, basic needs, livelihood and education in the governorates of Mafraq, Irbid, Zarqa and Amman. 
LWF Jordan is implementing a project funded by ELCA (the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America) aims to improve the diversity of food and nutrition security of Syrian refugees and host communities in Irbid governorate and increase the household's income through Drying fruits. One of the project’s outcome is that LWF beneficiaries are fully equipped with the knowledge and tools for dry food processing.
2- Duties and Responsibilities
The Trainer will:
• Provide technical advice and recommendation on selecting ovens for the project.
• Conduct 5 training courses (3 days each) for a total of 50 participants on: How to dry fruits and vegetables using drying ovens
Best quality and times to purchase and sell the fruits and vegetables which will be dried
Best ways for packaging the dry fruits and vegetables
3- Scope of Work
LWF Jordan is implementing a project funded by ELCA (the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America) aims to improve the diversity of food and nutrition security of Syrian refugees and host communities in Irbid governorate and increase the household’s income through drying fruits & vegetables. Therefore, LWF Beneficiaries are fully equipped with the knowledge and tools for dry food processing (dry fruit).
The beneficiaries will use the ovens for drying fruits and vegetables and make the best use of it to increase their nutrition diversity and generate new income resources.
4- Expected Outputs and Deliverables
• Selected participants are well trained on how to dry fruits and vegetables using the drying ovens
• Selected participants are well aware of best times of when to buy and sell fruits and vegetables for drying
• Training outline including agenda, content and pre and post evaluations, this should be approved by the LWF staff before the training
• Final report for the assignment including the results of pre and post evaluation and recommendations, if any.
All deliverables should be approved by LWF staff prior to releasing any payment.
5- Indicators to evaluate the consultant’s performance
Performance indicators are:
• Quality of reports
• Feedback from beneficiaries
• LWF staff observations
6- Contract and Duration
The services should be delivered between 25 July to 30 August. 
7- Duty Station
Lutheran World Federation Jordan Irbid office with possible travel to beneficiary’s locations.
8- Qualifications and experience 
• Proven experience of delivering assignments of similar nature
• Demonstrate understanding of working with vulnerable beneficiaries, ability to respect the beneficiaries’ culture and beliefs and the ability to treat them all equally
• Arabic Speaker (Native).
• Previous experience in designing and facilitating trainings on a related subject
• Strong interpersonal and communication skills;
• Commitment to LWF policies on promoting gender equality and diversity in the interests of marginalized people;
• Experience in fruits and vegetables drying.
• Experience in packaging and how to store dry fruits and vegetables.
• Have certificates as a trainer on the subject above.
• Self-directed and able to take initiative
9- Submission of Proposals
Applicants who are interested and meet the aforementioned qualifications are invited to submit Expression of Interest package that includes a detailed CV and a price quotation.
Deadline for Submission of proposals is 23rd of June 2020.
Documents should be submitted to the following email address: info.jordan@lutheranworld.org
Documents should be submitted in English in electronic format: Microsoft word format/PDF/PPT.