وظائف شاغرة لدى المنظمة السويسرية الرائدة لمساعدة الأطفال - Terre des hommes Foundation - مرحب بكلا الجنسين للتقديم

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

تعلن منظمة Terre des hommes Foundation في الاردن عن حاجتها الى :

Communications Officer

Reports to (Hierarchically): Programme Coordinator    
Work in daily and close collaboration   (Functionally):  with Country Representative, Regional Communication Coordinator, Project implementation units.
Working time in   :   %100
Working Hours: Sunday to Thursday, 40 hours per week
Starting date: Immediately
The Communications Officer (CO) is responsible to develop, manage and coordinate the communication plan of Tdh Jordan delegation. Working with the program and field teams across the delegation, s/he will develop compelling stories to support Tdh’s communications objectives and help in the delegation’s external visibility. S/he reports directly to the Programme Coordinator and functionally to the Regional Communications Coordinator also based in Amman.
The objective of this position is to make Tdh Jordan a visible actor in all the national forums and amongst the government authorities through active participation, visibility and strong advocacy communication.

The main tasks of this function are:
  • To contribute to Tdh communication strategy at national and regional level: Develop the Communication Action plan for the delegation in line with the Regional MENA communication strategy and the Jordan Country Strategy and update that annualy;
  • To reflect the Tdh intervention through quality communication content: write periodical stories, news articles and other communication materials as per the communication plan of the delegation that target internal and external audiences of interest;
  • To develop quality printed and media communication materials: ensure Tdh Jordan has up to date visibility and communication materials printed, digital or other forms of media that carefully portray the issues of children in Jordan and the work of Tdh Jordan to respond to these issues;
  • To contribute to the development of Tdh visibility at national level through media representation and networking: engage with and maintain relationships with the media in and other national forums that enable Tdh Jordan to communicate with specific or wider audiences in Jordan.
Tdh opened its Delegation in Jordan in 2007 and currently implements two main projects, a Juvenile Justice (JJ) intervention - started in 2011 in Amman - and a response towards the Syrian crisis - started in 2012 - in the host communities in the Northern Governorates and in 2013 in Refugee camp.
In the context of the response to the Syrian crisis, Tdh is providing a comprehensive package of services for vulnerable Syrian and Jordanian children in order to enhance their well-being and to promote their social cohesion and resilience. Through Psychosocial Support activities, life skills, informal education and case management. In addition, community mobilization is strengthening Child Protection system and mechanisms at community level to build a more protective environment for children. Capacity building of the local and national stakeholders is the cornerstone of the longer-term projects and a priority for Tdh Jordan. A specific focus on Social cohesion and integration, Child – as well as parents - participation and Youth empowerment is prioritized.

To contribute to Tdh communication strategy at national and regional level
  • Contribute to the elaboration/reinforcement of the national Tdh communication strategy in alignment with the institutional and regional strategies, and assure its follow-up and update on a regular basis.
  • Develop the Communication Action plan for the delegation in line with the Regional MENA communication strategy and the Jordan Country Strategy and update that annualy;
  • Contribute to MENA communication strategy and plan.
To reflect the Tdh intervention through quality communication content
  • Write quality communication materials such as news articles, success stories, case studies, testimonies, one pagers and any other form of written communication as requested from the supervisor, adapted to different target groups (staff, donors, community and state actors, outside visitors, etc);
  • Liaise with the programme team in the field to proactively seek information and news stories about the programme;
  • Maintain organizational social media platforms with regular updates and appropriate content development and management;
  • Contribute in developing local and national awareness raising and advocacy campaign ideas and concepts in collaboration with PC, PMs and the community mobilisation supervisors in the field;
  • Contribute and participate in the translation of official communication materials and letters, as well as simultaneous translation when needed by the delegation as requested by the supervisor.
To develop quality printed and media communication materials

  • Produce, coordinate and supervise the production of all visibility and information materials in Tdh Jordan delegation;
  • Responsible for managing the information about all donor requirements with respect to visibility and communication and for monitoring the compliance with donor communication and branding regulations in Tdh Jordan delegation;
  • Based on the delegation Communication Action plan and in accordance with the project specific communication plans, organize and plan for the printing and production of all communication materials across the delegation and the programme;
  • Collaborate with the logistic and procurement department for the selection of suppliers and procurement of the printing and produced materials ensuring the best quality standards for the products;
  • Work closely with the contracted suppliers, such as designers, movie or video production companies, photographers and/or printing houses focal points to ensure that the best quality of design, video and image production and printing materials is secured for all products under development;
  • Coordinate with the respective programme/project staff, the Regional Communication Coordinator and the Programme Coordinator to obtain feedback, validation and approval prior to the production of all communication materials;
  • Participate her/himself in the development (design, audio interview, recording or picture taking) in accordance with the Communication Action plan and when requested from the line supervisor, with the support of the Regional Communication Coordinator;
  • Establish and maintain a central digital library of Tdh Jordan photos, videos and other reporting and communication content;
  • Engage in staff capacity building of staff on communication and reporting with the support of the Regional Communication Coordinator.
  • Communication Reporting
  • At national level, submit a regular update on the communication activities to the Delegate and Regional Communication Coordinator.
    To contribute to the development of Tdh visibility at national level through media representation and networking
  • Establish a database of media stakeholders and outlets in the country and ensure that Tdh communication work is reaching the local and national media in the country;
  • Serve as the media focal point in Tdh Jordan delegation and prepare media briefings, press releases and statements when required by the line supervisors;
  • Provide rapid alerts to the delegation and the Regional Communication Coordinator in case of media opportunities in Jordan;
  • Monitor the media with regards to communication about child protection and well-being issues and prepare periodical press review for the delegation on a weekly basis;
  • Contribute and lead in the media and communication coverage in the organization of international and national events based on an annual calendar (see UN events calendar of the organization) that enhance the delegations’ visibility;
  • Actively participate and support the CR and the Programme Coordinator in the organization of media visits, donor visits or other high visibility events;
  • Participate in the internal and external coordination forums as required by the supervisor.
  • To ensure the understanding and respect of the Tdh communication guidelines and rules
  • Support the delegation team to understand and respect Tdh policies regarding communication;
  • Ensure that external suppliers respect the Tdh Corporate Identity.
  • At a regional level, contribute to the regional communication reporting and to the regional programs reporting.
  Safeguarding  Policies:
  • Commit to respect and ensure the best implementation possible of Tdh Safeguarding Policy, its related procedure and principles of child protection in all the settings, including the non-working related ones;
  • Be clear on the functional responsibilities to prevent harm / safeguard children, communities and colleagues both through own conduct and work;
  • Commit to inform  the Safeguarding Focal Point and to  report any cases of allegations, or possibility of transgression, even potential, of the Safeguarding Policy.
  • Respect the principles of confidentiality, protection, good faith and non-reprisal in all interactions with children and communities and in the communication materials produced;
  • Apply the best interest of children and people principle prior to writing, producing and publishing any sort of communication material about the children and communities participating in Tdh Jordan and partners’ programme.
  • Always ensure to take the written consent of guardians and children prior to engaging in any form of communication with beneficiaries;
  • Be a good ambassador for safeguarding and promote good practice.
  • Know and implement all institutional policies and  internal regulations of Terre des hommes with a particular focus on the Institutional Media and Communication policies;
  • Respect Terre des hommes security procedures in Jordan.
  • Support the leadership team to organize and facilitate, conferences,  exchange of experience mission and field visits for external management staff and donor representatives;
  • Any other duty as required by the Programme Coordinator as the line supervisor.   

S/he will have direct access to information, such as the general strategy of Tdh in Jordan, including programming objectives in the field, financial details, and security guidelines.
A professional sense of security, confidentiality, and proper representation is paramount.
The incumbent will conduct her/his duties in respect of the Charter of Terre des hommes and Tdh Child Safeguarding Policy. Terre des hommes expects that its contractors’ professional conduct reflect proper behaviour in accordance with local culture and traditions. The incumbent assures the moral protection of the name of Terre des hommes and defends in all circumstances the interests of the movement.