وظائف شاغرة لدى منظمة كير الفرنسية بتاريخ ١٧-٤-٢٠١٩

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

تعلن منظمة كير الفرنسية في الاردن عن حاجتها الى :

Women’s Economic Empowerment Advisor


CARE defines women’s economic empowerment as the process by which women increase their right to economic resources and power to make decisions to benefit themselves, their families and their communities. This requires equal access to and control over economic resources, assets and opportunities as well as long term changes in social norms and economic structures that benefit women and men equally.
CARE is working in Syria to support vulnerable women, men, girls and boys affected by the ongoing civil war. We work both through partners and through direct delivery of humanitarian assistance across different parts of Syria. In addition, CARE supports livelihoods recovery and resilience programming across Syria. Most of our work is through cross border, remote-managed assistance modalities from neighboring countries, working closely with Syrian civil society organizations. Currently CARE’s core sectors in Syria are Food Security & Livelihoods (FSL), WASH and Protection, working with over 120 staff in hubs across the region. In addition, we maintain a standing emergency response capacity with a particular focus on Shelter/NFI programming.
In 2018 CARE launched a strategy review of its work in Syria, and has prioritized building the resilience of affected people in Syria to recover from shocks and stresses, with a particular emphasis on supporting women to engage in sustainable livelihoods. This position will be responsible for delivering on that objective, by ensuring that CARE’s programming in Syria contributes to positive changes in women’s agency, and their position within their households and communities.
Based in Amman, with regular travel to neighboring countries, the Women’s Economic Empowerment advisor will report to the Head of Programs. S/he is responsible for providing sound technical leadership and overseeing Food Security, Livelihood and Value Chain related activities implemented by teams in several operational hubs, including skills training, agricultural inputs, cash transfer programming, support the promotion of adaptive techniques. S/He will ensure adequate measuring and monitoring of progress against objectives, coordinate with local and International NGOs on women economic empowerment; and to assist in planning future related projects.
Job Responsibility #1 Technical leadership

Provide technical support to the design and implementation of programmes, ensuring they are based upon high-quality needs assessments
Support proposal development and lead in the technical design and review of concept notes, logical frameworks, budgets and full proposals in relevant technical sectors with close coordination with field teams
Support recruitment for all hubs by drafting JD, technical tests & participating in interviews
Engage technical specialist across hubs and departments in Technical Working Groups as needed to advance specific task, e.g. SoPs, methodologies, manuals, etc.
In collaboration with hub-level technical specialists, ensure programmatic quality and consistency by:
Leading the development of sector strategic focus for the CO and support hub technical specialists in adapting to context as needed
Leading on defining technical standards and SoPs, and adapting to context for relevant sector
When gaps in technical capacity are identified at hub level, temporarily support in the design, fundraising for, planning, or management of hub level programming.

% of time

Job Responsibility #2 Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning

Support assessment design and analysis for hub and multi-hub initiatives
Reviewing all program evaluations/After Action Reviews at hub and multi-hub level to ensure relevant technical outcomes are measured
Leading on integration of cross-cutting issues (gender, protection, environment, accountability to affected population, inclusiveness, etc.) into sector technical standards, ways of working, and program performance measurement
Ensuring lessons are documented and learning disseminated and applied to existing and new programming across hubs
Leading the development of technical indicators (output and outcome), and Performance Indicator Reference Sheets (PIRS)
Leading on development of monitoring & performance measuring tools, and support hub technical specialist in adapting to context

% of time

Job Responsibility #5 Project Oversight

The WEE advisor is responsible for proving oversight to projects implementing by CARE under the Syria Resilience Consortium across multiple hubs.

Develop and support excellent working relationship between CARE Syria teams involved in the consortium, based on effective and timely communication
Provide briefings to the HoP and other parts of CARE management as appropriate on the state of CARE’s collaboration with the consortium, and on the implementation of activities under the consortium.
Coordinate the submission of narrative and financial proposals & reports;
Support the hubs in developing or reviewing implementation plans, budgets, program modifications;
Support hubs in ensuring sufficient and adequate human resources are in place to implement projects
Maintain clear vision of project budgets vs actuals, highlight areas of concern, and work with hubs to find solutions
Work with hubs to ensure compliance with SRC donor requirements

% of time

Job Responsibility #3 Representation

Represent CARE in WoS based, and Global technical coordination platforms, such as clusters, sub-cluster, TWG, Consortia, and at hub level when required.
Engage with sector specialists of other agencies to ensure CARE's programming reflect positive trends
Support evidence gathering and the development messages for advocacy purposes.
Contribute to the dissemination of CARE Syria lessons and best practices.
Represent CARE Syria in CARE’s WEE network

As CARE representative to the Syria Resilience Consortium
Ensuring high-visibility of CARE representation and technical leadership at Syria resilience consortium.
Represent CARE in consortium meetings, in particular regular TCU meetings, and ensure efficient information flow (back and forth) between the TCU and CARE teams
Liaise with the consortium PMU, including the Handicap International (HI) Inclusion Advisor, the relevant Area Coordinators, individual consortium agencies, and other relevant individuals and teams for internal coordination and implementation of livelihood activities under the consortium.

Job Responsibility #4 Partnerships

Support CARE in identifying opportunities to work with women-led and women’s focused civil society organizations
Leading the development of technical capacity assessment for partners in Women Economic Empowerment, where necessary the development of capacity building plans.
% of time

Job Responsibility #4 Other duties and Responsibilities assigned by the supervisor
5% of Time


Bachelor degree in Social Science, Economics, Agriculture, or related field.
Advanced degree in related field

Minimum of 7 years of progressively responsible experience on gender and livelihood issues,
Experience with gender in humanitarian response
Hands-on experience in planning and design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation specifically in the field of gender and livelihoods, and value chains

Experience providing advisory services,
Experience in developing and maintaining strong partnerships and in mobilizing resources;

Technical skills

Excellent communication and writing skills;
Well organized and ability to act in a professional and ethical manner;
Program planning and management skills
Detail oriented
Ability to work under pressure
Should be customer focused, communicating with impact
Proactive in problem solving, initiating actions and making operational decisions.

Prior experience with CARE, or familiarity with CARE’s WEE work
Human relations skills

The Human Relations Skills for this position are designated as Basic: courtesy, tack and effectiveness in dealing with others in everyday working relationships, including contacts to request or provide information.

Core Competencies:
Customer Focus – Making customers and their needs a primary focus of one’s actions; developing and sustaining productive customer relations.
Information Monitoring – Setting up ongoing procedures to collect and review information needed to manage an organization or ongoing activities within it.
Planning and Organizing – Establishing courses of action for self to ensure that work is completed efficiently and effectively in accordance with CARE’s core values.
Collaboration – Working effectively and cooperatively with others toward shared goals; establishing and maintaining principle-centered working relationships.
Initiating Action – Taking prompt action to accomplish objectives; taking decisive action to achieve goals in times of uncertainty or in fluid contexts; being proactive.
Follow-up – Monitoring the results of assignments, or projects, considering the skills, knowledge, and experience of the assigned individual and the characteristics of the assignment or project.

Is the answerability for actions and for their consequences. It is the measured effect of the job or position on end results. It has three dimensions in the following order of importance: Freedom to Act; Impact on End Results; and Magnitude.
A) Freedom to Act is the degree to which personal or procedural control and guidance for work (or lack thereof) exists. This is a function of the organizational framework, the personnel and policy direction, and the flows, processes, and systems that are established in the organization. Choose one of the following: Limited; Prescribed; Controlled; Standardized; Regulated; Clearly Directed; Generally Directed; Guided; or Strategically Guided. (See Guidelines for definitions).
This position would be designated as Strategically Guided

B) Impact on End Results considers the principal nature of the job’s influence on end results, which ranges from very direct control to very indirect support. Choose the Impact category that reflects the basic purpose of the job most clearly. Ancillary; Shared; Primary (See Guidelines for definitions).
This position would be Contributory

C) Magnitude: Financial: What parts of CARE’s revenue and/or expenses are impacted by the job’s primary goals? Use current fiscal year amounts. e.g. project budget, fundraising or contract goal, budget managed or monitored, donations processed, purchases made, contracts negotiated/signed, benefits costs.
What is the $/EUR amount related to job’s primary goals? No direct management
What is the $/EUR amount of signing authority for this position? No direct management

List the primary external and internal relationships, which the employee is expected to maintain. State the purpose of these interactions.
Position Title Relationship

Head of Programs Direct Supervisor

Program Managers Technical oversight
Other Technical Advisors Peers

Consortium partners

CARE member partners



Travel: The post holder will be based primarily in the regional office in Amman with frequent visits to Hubs and Partners outside Jordan
Safety and Security: CARE’s Safety and Security Officer is available for advice and guidance.