وظائف طبية شاغرة لدى منظمة هاندي كاب الدولية

Saturday, March 16, 2019

تعلن منظمة Handicap International - Humanity & Inclusion في عمان - الاردن عن حاجتها الى :

Physical Rehabilitation Working Group Co Lead

The Syrian crisis is the greatest humanitarian crisis of the last 20 years. According to the latest UN figures, about 13.5 million people are currently affected by the crisis in Syria, including about 6.5 million IDPs, while over 4 million Syrians have sought refuge in neighbouring countries or in Europe. The current humanitarian response only provides a patchy and partial coverage of the growing humanitarian needs. Five years after the beginning of the crisis, the number of injured persons in Syria keeps rising, with a severe lack of health and psychosocial support. In hard-to-reach areas and/or areas of new displacement, local populations and IDPs are in need of emergency assistance in terms of food, household essential items, and other basic needs. The inclusion of the most vulnerable, including persons with disabilities, in the humanitarian response remains a major concern.
HI is managing a large humanitarian program from four different hubs (South, Centre, North and North-East), along four main pillars:
  1. Support to health partners (hospitals, care houses, psychosocial support centers, local NGOs) for the provision of comprehensive psychosocial support services ( psychosocial support, psychosocial support and/or prosthetics and orthotics) through training, technical supervisions and donations of assistive devices and/or equipment;
  2. Education to the risks and effects caused by conventional weapons (including mines, explosive remnants of war and small arms light weapons) and urgent marking of hazardous areas;
  3. Training and technical support to other humanitarian actors on the inclusion of persons with disabilities and other vulnerable persons in the humanitarian response (with a special focus on inclusive health and inclusive livelihoods).
    The actual intervention is based on a mix of remote management of national teams, remote partnerships with local structures and organizations, and direct implementation programs.
Coordination (40%)
  • Chair the Whole of Syria Physical Rehabilitation & Disability Working Group, in close link with the existing rehabilitation / trauma working groups in different hubs
  • Coordinate with other WoS Sector/Cluster coordinators at the regional level and other regional stakeholders
  • Contact with hub level stakeholders and existing coordination mechanisms, including international NGOs and the civil society completed at the hub level
  • Identify Physical Rehabilitation Focal Points amongst the hub level stakeholders and create coordination mechanisms between them (in link with other working groups such as trauma WG). Including delegation of coordination duties if regular in person attendance is not feasible
  • Ensure coordination and technical support to non-specialized humanitarian actors engaged (or planning to engage) in rehabilitation activities
  • Ensure hubs respond in a harmonized, coherent and complimentary manner to the physical rehabilitation needs of all Syrians across the country and independently of their location of residence or socio-cultural background
  • Assist in proactively coordinating cross-line and cross-border programming to ensure complementarity of assistance
  • Ensure appropriate links among humanitarian actions and longer-term rehabilitation plans, incorporating specific risk reduction measures
Data management, assessment, planning and reporting (30%)
  • Assist in leading the harmonization of physical rehabilitation information management tools and products of the hubs
  • In coordination with the hubs, identify humanitarian physical rehabilitation needs of the target populations by planning and coordinating joint, WoS and/ or hub level assessments, as needed and determined by the WoS Health Cluster;
  • Collate data and documents from each hub and disseminate common plans of actions and other information related to the rehabilitation in regional sit-reps and/or regular Health Bulletins and other information products
  • Participate actively to surveys initiated by the WoS Health Cluster: design, data collection tools as well as analysis as relevant
  • Quantify and assess existence and capacity of existing human resources for rehabilitation including formal (MoH/MoHE recognized) and informal (NGO related initiatives – ‘rehab worker’ etc.)
  • Assist joint WoS Health Sector contingency planning for all hazards, in line with health cluster standards for contingency planning
Capacity building (30%)
  • Promote standards and best practices and adherence to them by all rehabilitation partners in the hubs taking into account the need for local adaption
  • In line with assessment of existing national capacity, define priorities and realistic, context specific plan for standardization of job descriptions, scope of practice and competencies
  • Arrange/conduct direct training in physical rehabilitation for key national and local stakeholders
  • Essential:
    • University degree in physiotherapy/occupational therapy is mandatory
    • Fluency in oral and written English is compulsory
    • Strong computer skills (use of MS Word, Excel, Outlook and other relevant software)
    • Willingness to travel frequently
  • Preferred:
    • Post graduate degree/master in public health, advanced clinical practice, healthcare policy or adult education is a strong asset
    • Experience with databases is an asset
Experiences (types of positions and length):
  • Essential:
    • Minimum of 4 years proven experience working on physical rehabilitation issues in humanitarian environments, including provision of technical advice to field teams
    • Solid work experience in health / rehabilitation sector (physical rehabilitation, P&O, and/or psychosocial support)
    • Excellent understanding of health issues in emergency situations and detailed knowledge of humanitarian principles, guidelines and laws and the cluster system
  • Preferred:
    • Previous experience with HI is a strong asset
    • Experience in Syria, other Middle Eastern countries or remote settings is a strong asset
    • Cluster coordination experience preferred
  • Essential:
    • Strong internal and external coordination and representation skills
    • Strong facilitation skills and experience of developing facilitation skills in others
    • Excellent leadership, coordination, capacity building, planning and analytical skills
    • Strong organizational skills
    • Strong interpersonal and intercultural skills
    • Ability to work under high pressure
    • English spoken and written fluency, including report writing skills.
  • Preferred:
    • Demonstrable experience in advocacy and high-level negotiation skills
    • Excellent written and spoken English, Arabic is an asset
Personal qualities:
  • Essential:
    • High level of motivation and proactivity
    • High level of autonomy and initiative
    • Ability to deal with rapidly changing context and plans