وظائف شاغرة لدى مكتب الأمم المتحدة لخدمات المشاريع - UNOPS براتب يصل الى ٤٠٠٠ دولار شهريا

Saturday, February 23, 2019

تعلن United Nations Office for Project Services - UNOPS في عمان - الاردن عن حاجتها الى :

Web designer and developer

الوصف الوظيفي

  • 100 full-time work days to design and develop the UNOPS in Amman website using Drupal, Wordpress, or any open source PHP CMS.

  • The design should be built on responsive theme.

  • Create different pages for each project implemented by UNOPS in Jordan. Each project will have a sub-project implemented in different areas.

  • Project page will present a dashboard showing project details, photos of before and after and an interactive database driven map presenting the different sub-projects. The map should show the project progress by time.

  • An example of the output required is the website of UNOPS office in Yemen ye.unopsmr.org