وظائف شاغرة لدى هيئة الاغاثة الدولية في عمان

Monday, July 2, 2018

تعلن هيئة الاغاثة الدولية في عمان عن حاجتها الى :

Health and Psycho-social Support (PSS) Evaluation Consultant

Description of Project to be evaluated:
Relief International (RI) is currently implementing a remote health and PSS program titled: “Provision of Healthcare Services” in ten different locations that will finish on September 30, 2018.
The program has been operational since August of 2016. Beginning with five facilities in 2015, RI has expanded to support 10 facilities through two donors. These facilities offer a combination of primary and secondary healthcare, reproductive health, and laboratory services.
Periodically, RI has conducted internal monitoring of the facilities to determine the quality of the care they are providing. The methods used include quarterly satisfaction surveys, spot checks and KAP survey, among others. The monitoring has proved invaluable to the program as areas of best practice and improvement are highlighted. In addition to health, RI is active in the protection sector, and has recently started a PSS initiative. Whilst this initiative consumes a smaller proportion of the program budget, it is no less important to RI’s strategy.  
Given that, RI would like to hire the services of an evaluation team so as it is able to understand the impact of its work and the most salient learning points to come from it so as to be in a position to communicate both to those with whom it is associated through this program.
The overall objective of this study is to evaluate the impact of the program against the outcomes, outputs, and indicators agreed on throughout the life of the program.  Specifically, RI wishes to confirm that the patients of the facilities that it supports are receiving free care and medication, quality examinations, and are being treated respectfully in a well-maintained facility from check-in to check-out. It also wishes to obtain feedback from facility staff that relates to operational effectiveness, efficiency, and sustainability. For the PSS services, RI wishes to determine the extent to which activities are effective, efficient, and appropriate for the beneficiaries.  The PSS services will be evaluated to determine their suitability for potential scale-up and/or continuation of the interventions. 
Overall, this study will focus on examining the quality, conduct, and progress of RI’s health program in the target areas. The program also includes community healthcare outreach and behavior change, promoting personal and household hygiene best practices and health education.
Proposed methodologies include but are not limited to:  
  1. Interviews with key stakeholders of the health facilities and PSS centers
Key stakeholders include hospital and PHC coordinators and managers, and the staff of the facilities. RI requires 3 key stakeholder interviews from each health facility (10 facilities, 30 interviews total).  RI will identify the stakeholders beforehand and brief them on the evaluation process.  The objective of these interviews is to understand better the effectiveness, efficiency, and sustainability of facility operations through its support from RI.  Questions will cover the range of operational practices performed by the interviewed staff as well as open feedback on any gaps or limitations within their current work. General questions will be centered on the below thematic areas. Surveys will be approximately 30-40 questions each, including closed- and open-ended questions.
  • Do staff feel as though they have the resources necessary to perform their jobs adequately?
  • Do staff feel as though they have the training necessary to perform their jobs adequately?
  • Are the hospitals, PHCs and PSS centers effectively equipped to address the immediate needs of the community? What additional resources or trainings would staff prioritize to improve their quality of care of patients?
  • Observational checklists
One observational checklist will be performed per facility.  This checklist will include some general conditions of the facility including cleanliness, storage, and administrative traits.  The checklist will aim to objectively measure operational aspects of the facilities such as:
  • Are facilities clean?  Do they appear to be regularly maintained?
  • Do facilities appear to be over capacity?  Are there long waiting times?
  • Do the facilities have the equipment they are supposed to?
  • How is waste being managed?
  • Facility-based beneficiary interviews
Enumerators will visit each facility and conduct randomized beneficiary interviews (with secondary sampling checks to account for age, gender, and other disaggregate concerns) to ascertain the perception of overall quality of care, quality of engagement, and methods of potential improvement as well as preferred methods of providing anonymous feedback in the future.. Enumerators will interview at least 5 patients per location per day of field research, for an estimated total of 500 beneficiaries. These interviews will aim to provide a view of the health facility from the perspective of beneficiaries. Broad questions will include the following, but will be asked through a series of more targeted questions:
  • How is the facility helping the community?
  • Is there a service that goes above and beyond for the patients?
  • How can this facility or its services be improved to better serve the community?
  • What is your general level of satisfaction of the quality of care, depending on the type of service?
  • Do you feel that you were treated with dignity and respect, regardless of the type of service provided?
Deliverables and Timeline
At the outset of the evaluation, a kick-off meeting will be held between the successful candidate and RI’s M&E and program teams in which: a background to the program and answers to relevant questions will be provided; the scope of work, timelines, research tools, field support, and methodologies will be finalised. RI will require periodic informal updates throughout the duration of the evaluaton that details, for example, the results of any pre-testing, changes to research tools and/or timelines, and any access/security complications in the field. 
RI will require the consultant(s) to adhere to the following timeline, with justifications for delays in the scheduling.
Kick-off meeting with RI team
July 29th  
Recruitment of local enumerators
July 30th – August 1st
Secondary research review/research tool development meeting
July 30th – August 9th
Training of enumerators on data collection tools
August 12th – 13th
Interviews with stakeholders
August 14th – 23rd
Facility visits
August 25th – Sep 6th
Beneficiary interviews
August 25th – Sep 6th
Data analysis and reporting (including interview codebook and all data files in .csv/.xlxs (Excel) and .sav/.spv (SPSS) formats
Sep 9th – Sep 18th
Draft report sent to RI for review
September 23rd
RI sends comments to consultant for incorporation and resubmission
September 27th
Final report from consultant (with any revised raw data files)
September 30th

Team Composition:
RI seeks a national consultant that has experience in the appropriate evaluation methods and target geographical areas and that is able to mobilize, train, and supervise enumerators in data collection activities. The evaluation consultant will work with RI’s MEL Manager and Jordan MEL team on the final versions of all data collection and evaluation instruments. 
Minimum experience required for consultant:
  • Excellent English and Arabic speaking, reading, and writing skills
  • Data analysis experience using Microsoft Excel and IBM SPSS
  • Experience in mixed-methods evaluations
  • Demonstrated experience in creation and use of quantitative and qualitative data collection techniques
  • Ability to hire, train, and oversee six to eight local enumerators
  • Prior experience in managing and directing enumerators or other data collection staff
The selected consultant will independently advertise and recruit for trained enumerators (between six to eight total).
Minimum experience required for enumerators:
  • Ability to speak, write, and read in English and Arabic
  • Knowledge and prior use of Microsoft Excel and Word
  • Previous experience in data collection and conduct of interviews
  • Friendly and able to converse with a diverse group of beneficiaries over an extended amount of time
The consultancy is estimated to take 30 working days in total. Data from the field will be synthesized into a draft report that must be submitted to RI by September 23rd, 2018, with feedback due from RI on September 27th, 2018. The final report must be submitted by September 30th, 2018.
Scheduling and Logistics:
RI will work with the selected consultant and team to identify any potential areas of concern related to logistics, management, or overall coordination of the evaluation deliverables. Final schedules for deliverables can be adjusted during the initial evaluation planning period.
Interested candidates should submit the following documents:
  • CV and cover letter showing their relevant experience
  • Technical proposal for the evaluation including proposed activities schedule/work plan with time frame
Only selected candidates will be contacted for an interview.

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