وظائف شاغرة لدى مجموعة سكاب إخوان - نيوبورت التجارية - هيلتي الأردن

Thursday, June 28, 2018

تعلن مجموعة سكاب إخوان - نيوبورت التجارية - هيلتي الأردن عن حاجتها الى :

Supply Chain Logistics Executive

Role & Responsibilities;
_ take charge of all import purchase order generation and execution
_ Follow up orders with the suppliers
_Follow up shipment with shipping companies
_Maintains organized filling
_follow up system for all correspondences
_Responsible for commercial correspondences
_Follow up financial issues
_Bachelor`s degree in a Industrial Engineering or Business Administration
Or in Related Field.
_ 3-5 years of experience in similar field (Logistics and Supply chain).
_Excellent communication and typing skills in English.
_Ability to handle mails and Correspondences.
            - have Good Previous experience  in the power tools industry 

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